When you are looking for a way to guarantee funds for your next purchase, look no further than a Cashier’s Check from East Idaho Credit Union. Some people use Chasier’s Checks for bills or even a new vehicle purchase from a dealership. Whatever you use it for, rest assured knowing funds are available.

A cashier’s check is guaranteed by a credit union, drawn on the credit union’s own funds and signed by a cashier. Cashier’s checks are treated as guaranteed funds because the bank, rather than the purchaser, is responsible for paying the amount. They are commonly required for real estate and brokerage transactions.

How to get a cashiers check:

  • Visit your local Frontier Credit Union branch.

  • Let our helpful tellers know that you need a cashiers check. 

  • Verify the exact amount that you need for the cashiers check. 

  • Give your cashiers check to the desired party at the time of purchase.