Letter from CEO, Dan Thurman

Dan Thurman - CEO, Frontier Credit Union
August 14, 2023
To our valued members,
I’m writing to you personally to share exciting news. Today, we officially unveil our new name: we are now
Frontier Credit Union!
Throughout our history as a credit union, we’ve changed our name to better represent our membership as we have grown.
In 1935, we launched as “Idaho Falls U S Employees Federal Credit Union.”
In 1963, we changed our name to “East Idaho Federal Credit Union.”
In 1998, we changed our name to “East Idaho Credit Union.”
Now, we find ourselves at another milestone moment for our organization.
We are in a time of financial stability and strength. Thanks to our incredible employees, who consistently uphold our values of integrity, dependability, and kindness, our membership is growing. With that growth, we’ve expanded our reach, opening new locations across Idaho and earning the recognition of “one of the fastest growing credit unions in the state.”
Twenty-five years ago, our leadership recognized we’d outgrown our name. A year and a half ago, our leadership team recognized a similar opportunity to evolve. After months of deliberation, strategic planning, and valuable input from our brand committee members, we’re proud to unveil our new name and brand to you today.
To learn more about our process and why we chose the elements we did—the colors, the flag, the name—check out the FAQs below. You can also ask your favorite teller about it during your next visit; we’re here to answer any questions you have as we celebrate this new launch!
I firmly believe this is the right, strategic step to honor our past and better represent each of you, our members, and look towards a promising future of continued growth.
Thank you for being a part of this historic moment for our credit union. We truly would not be here without you.
Dan Thurman
CEO, Frontier Credit Union
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you changing your name?
Throughout our history as a credit union, we’ve changed our name at crucial moments of growth to better represent our membership. From our start as ‘Idaho Falls U S Employees Federal Credit Union’ in 1935 to ‘East Idaho Federal Credit Union’ in 1963, to finally ‘East Idaho Credit Union’ in 1998.
Now, we find ourselves at another milestone moment for our organization. As we expand beyond East Idaho and across Idaho, we recognized another opportunity to evolve, as we’ve done historically, to accurately represent our members. We believe our new name better reflects our evolving vision and commitment to providing exceptional financial services across Idaho and beyond!
Why ‘Frontier’?
The name Frontier is a nod to our history and the exploration of the American west. It stands for ruggedness, independence, and self-sufficiency—just like our members. It’s also future looking, an illustration of how we come alongside our members to help them navigate the ‘frontier’ of finance and achieve their financial goals.
Why the flag symbol?
The flag symbolizes many things—ownership, beginning, commitment. As our members embark on their own financial journeys, the flag of Frontier serves as an encouraging starting point, and a memorable reminder that we’re here to guide them on their path to building a better life.
What else is changing?
Nothing! :)
What happened to East Idaho Credit Union?
We’re still here! Everything is still the same, we simply have a new name. We believe this new name better reflects our evolving vision and commitment to providing exceptional financial services across Idaho and in the surrounding region.
Were you acquired?
No, we’re still under the same great leadership! The only thing changing is our name.
How will the credit union name change affect my external financial relationships?
There should not be an impact to external financial relationships. Member account numbers and our routing number are staying the same.
How long will my checks with the old name be honored?
If you have personal or business checks that have the East Idaho Credit Union logo on them, please continue to use them. When it’s time to reorder, you will get updated checks with the new Frontier Credit Union branding.
Will the routing number and my account number remain the same?
Yes! Our routing number is staying the same.
How about my credit card number and account association?
Your credit and debit cards with the East Idaho Credit Union logo are still active and will remain active until the expiration date on your card. When you receive a new card, it will be branded as Frontier Credit Union.
Must I order new checks and associate my existing online accounts with the new credit union name for e-check, debit, and credit card transactions?
No, you can continue to use the remaining checks you have with the East Idaho Credit Union logo.
All member account numbers will stay the same, as well as our routing number. If you use bill pay, or e-checks, you should not have to make any updates.
Debit and Credit card transactions will continue to process whether your card has East Idaho Credit Union or Frontier Credit Union branding,
If you have any further questions regarding our rebrand, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] or call (208) 523-9068.