Frontier Pay
Buy Now, Pay Later
Getting Started
- Make purchases with your debit card
- Check “Frontier Pay” in your online banking or mobile app
- View available Frontier Pay offers on eligible purchases
- Decide which purchases you would like to split overtime
- Select the installment plan that works for you
- See your purchase amount deposited back to your account within 24 hours
Preguntas frecuentes
Where can I find my Frontier Pay offers?
You can find your Frontier Pay offers in online banking by going to the Frontier Pay tab. If you’re using the mobile app, simply click on the Payments Icon and you’ll be able to easily access Frontier Pay from there.
Why can’t I see any Frontier Pay offers?
If you do not see Frontier Pay offers, this may be because your current account status or recent debit card purchases are not eligible for Frontier Pay. If you already have active Frontier Pay plans, you may not be eligible for additional offers until the active plans are paid back.
What is an eligible purchase?
An eligible purchase is a debit card purchase made in the past 60 days that is at least $100 and was not a cash or cash equivalent purchase (e.g., ATM withdrawal, money order, cash advance, etc.). Other restrictions surrounding the merchant type and transaction limits may affect Frontier Pay eligibility.
Does Frontier Pay require a credit check?
No, Frontier Pay does not require a credit check.